
Veterinarians help PLEASE! GREAT DANE stomach problems... ?

by Guest58981  |  earlier

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I have an almost six month old male great dane. Lately he's been getting the "runs" for no reason...the food we have him on hasn't been causing any problems and is probably the best food he's been on so far...(I've tried everything for his sensitive stomach including SOLID GOLD...) As far as I know he hasn't gotten into anything and is never fed table food...Is there any reason for this to happen? Its been happening about once a week for three weeks, He'll be sick for a day or two and then will return to normal elimination...Any answers would be greatly appreciated by me and my little(big) guy!




  1. Go to an actual Veterinary Clinic.  Not even the Vet's on here, if any, can tell you what's wrong unless they can run tests.

  2.'s not Heartgard reaction..nice try though on an answer above. He could just have an upset stomach. You should take him to your local vet. Get there ASAP if he starts vomiting or has blood in his stool, or becomes lathergic with no appetite, it could be parvo. It could also be coccidia or something simple like whipworms. Talk to you vet.

  3. coccidia?

  4. GO TO A VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  5. Do the right thing and take your dog to a Vet.

    reasons being,

    Even the best Vet in the World cannot diagnose an illness without examining the dog and knowing the full facts.

    No Vet is going to diagnose an illness on the internet, not when they make their living by charging people for the knowledge and expertese they've taken many years to acquire.

  6. This same thing happened to me.  My sensitive dog would be fine 4 days out of 7, but would have diarrhea the other 3.  It fell into a pattern.  Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Guess what it was?

    My neighbors in the back would watch their grandkids on Fridays.  The grandkids would save some of their lunch to share with my dog over the fence, without me knowing!  


    The only reason I found out was I was deathly ill myself, happened to be home and looking out in the back yard when their precious little heads popped up over the fence bearing "gifts".

    Maybe something like that is happening with you?

    Someone somewhere thinks they're giving the dog a harmless treat?

    I could be a passing neighbor, "helpful hands" of an unknowing child, or someone who doesn't believe in "pampering" dogs.

    Is there a pattern?

    Maybe after a gardner, pool man, or other worker visits?

    How much traffic is around your property?  Could passing litterbugs be a contributing factor?

    Does someone in your family have a "stash" he could be getting?  Teenagers especially have gum, candy, etc. stuck in pockets and pouches they forget about.  Make sure all food is out of his reach.

  7. What type of treats are you giving him?  Raw hides if colored will make a dog sick, only buy natural raw hides.  His toys, could be a factor...if he's chewing say a cloth toy and the dyes are making him sick.  Also I have heard that potpourri, plug in, candles with a lot of scent will make them sick.  With puppies you pretty much have to baby proof your house!  Good Luck

  8. it could be a possible reaction to Heartguard Medicine.  Have you given him any?

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