
Viagra Question about its uses with younger people

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I read that a lot of younger people are taking this drug for kicks.... The only reason I can think of would be that it makes you keep your erection even after ejaculation?




  1. It gives you an erection you can't get rid of for hours.

  2. erection doesn't depends on any pills or drinks its all on the persons sexual excitement if the person is not really excited then he's  gonna fall off just after ejectulation  

  3. Taking ANY drug for kicks is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.  Viagra is ONLY for MEN who have difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection.  What is with you KIDS anyway?  Your parents feed you STUPID for breakfast?  

  4. you should only take viagra if you cant get it up........ are you coming out of the closet lol?

  5. it is not meant to be used for young men or boys, and could be harmfull later in life.

  6. Younger people dont need viagra, that mean' thet are very stupid!

  7. Excellent observation though when you say "young" I assume you are talking 28-42 years old. Under 28 unless a man has cancer, diabetes and is comatose the erection is not diminished by ejaculation.  

  8. If you lose your erection after ejaculation now, taking Viagra won't help you keep it. I've tried it and the only difference I noticed was it gave me a stuffy nose and a headache.

  9. wtf

  10. Dude, that's like keeping the stadium lights on after the ballgame is over!  It's a waste of energy!

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