
Viagra (sildenafil citrate) ?

by  |  earlier

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Does taking viagra..increase the ejaculation time??? or is it only used for erectile dysfunction ..... if it does.. then by how much?




  1. If you have premature ejaculation, go to the doctor and be diagnosed.  Ask for Zoloft or Paxil.  This will help and then you can begin to do some exercises to assist in this problem.

    It takes about 14 days to see a difference and dose adjustments may have to be made but you should see an improvement. Viagra will not work for premature ejaculation.

  2. Viagra definitely works.

    You can try cheap viagra (generic): it works the same

  3. has nothing to do with ejaculation time... definately erectile dysfunction.. and if u dont have 1... u'll probably have a hard on for couple of hrs even after u o****m!! TOO hard maybe! hehe nice though =)

  4. I dont use it .But I know that it is only for long duration erection and cant increase ejaculation time.

  5. It do have its affect for both but its side effects are too dangorous. Do not spoil money on OTC products without confirmation from doctor. Some freely available med at the medical shops have nothing to do with real drug.

  6. i am not sure about the effect ...

    but in general exercising for at least 30 - 60 minutes for around 5 days a week helps with the entire working of the system ...

    we have sedentary lifestyles so this should be remembered...

  7. I t will not but you can find other products for increasing the ejaculation time. You may find exercise(ebooks) & other products at following website---

  8. No it doesn't affect ejaculation time. It does not  make you stay hard either. Once you ejaculate and stimulation stops you go soft, just as you normally would.

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