
Vibrating mascara??????

by  |  earlier

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read about the new vibrating mascara here:




  1. That sounds really cool... I know mine that is brand new sucks!!

  2. i think it would just be easier and cheaper to practice the motion yourself. if the makeup artists can do it, so can others...i mean, it's a vibrating motion, how difficult is that? lol..i don't think it's worth 45

  3. I would poke my eye

  4. Cool, but does the product fly out cuz of the vibration.

    Wow, I really want this.

  5. I wonder how many times I would stab myself in the eye before I got the hang of it.


    Looks neat though, I'll definitely look around for it.

  6. i read about this- cool is't it? I think the givenchy phenomenom beats it though

  7. sweet. im getting one. i wonder what the price is... it didnt mention anything about that

  8. Hmm interesting but I don't use mascara.

  9. omg i want it!! but what if i pke myself in the eye and it keeps poking me lol

  10. I think it looks pretty cool.


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