i just got a root canal on friday (4 days ago) and i got prescribed some vicodin for the pain, i know i am supposed to eat something with it or it can upset my stomach, i took one today cause my tooth was hurting really bad (or else i would not have taken it)
I ate some yogurt with it, but i guess that wasn't enough, cause my stomach feels really bad now. i threw up a little, but it wasn't very much, it was kind've like dry heaves, i think thats what it was like, anyway
I also took one the day that i had the root canal, but then i went right to sleep cause i didn't feel good (from the root canal, not the vicodin..yet)
so..i slept, then when i woke later i ate, then took another one before bed. but all of a sudden i didn't feel good, and i ran to the bathroom and had to throw up...UGH!!
i just want to know what happens to you when you take vicodin.
my mom said it makes her sick and my friend said it makes her face itch, especially her nose.
thank you