
Victor Newman of Y&R?

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To the long time viewers of the Y&R, is Adam behaving anything like his father in his days? Was Victor Newman despised as much as Adam is now or was he more/less ruthless at the time?




  1. I think Adam is trying to act like Victor.  Victor is certainly willing to disown loved ones - or anyone - if they get in the way of his interests and it seems Adam is the same way in this regard.

    It's obvious that some of Victor's DNA transferred to Victor Jr., but I wish more of his late mother, Hope, could be seen in Adam.

  2. I'm guessing you mean the Victor Newman of 1973 or that time. I haven't watched from way back then, but l'd like to find out too.

  3. Acting like Adam h**l no.  Victor is a ruthless business man but not a jerk.  He has to much class to act like that pompous little jerk.  I think Adam is just trying to act like he thinks ruthless businessmen are to act in bizaro world.

  4. Victor Newman has never acted like Adam, Adam is not ruthless, Adam is heartless.

  5. I think there is a lot of Victor in Adam, but not as much as Adam would like there to be.

    Without a doubt Victor has had his moments, but there is no way that he would treat Neil the way Adam did today!

    Having him escorted out by the security guard was just unforgivable and down right cruel to Neil after all the hard work, long hours and support he has given both to Victor and the company for many years.

    Victor may be cruel sometimes too but, even he wouldn't do that, especially to Neil!

  6. Victor has a heart..even though he is ruthless a time like this he would be mourning..not bullying and acting like a jerk..Adam is so stupid....Doesn't he remember when Victor told him he made a bad choice that time he picked the wrong cover girl..he also told him that he had complete trust in Neil...and not to act like a jerk....

  7. let's just say firing Neil would be something Victor wouldn't do...I mean he gave him the newman jet...just because he thought Neil was Victor would have let Neil hold down the fort while he morned his "father"

  8. Yes, he is but with a twist.

  9. He is so much like Victor in some ways..

  10. Oh, Victor has had his moments! Ruthless, mean, nasty. How about when Nikki was running for that senate spot and he didn't support her?  

  11. less

  12. Victor has always been manly, professional and more responsible in his business and family. Adam is bratty & pushy, he's trying to hard to be on top. And he think she's better than everyone else.
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