
Victorian Aboriginal Council Prepares for Stolen Generation COMPO.......AUSSIES?

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With the governments impending “sorry” for the stolen generation the Victorian aboriginal council is preparing for compensation claims. Our society and the Government of day make decisions sometimes extreme decisions for extreme situations for protecting the rights of ALL children. This ceased in 1970. From 1970 onwards the remedies sought have been varied and overtime it would seem the issues in the aboriginal communities have been swept under the carpet. Too hard to solve, it had become easier to through money at the issues with little monitoring of the results in the hope that it would go away. AN EXAMPLE…… I was a laborer with the building of an accommodation complex in Port Macquarie many years ago as part of a government initiative to help those disadvantaged within the aboriginal community. Within 6 months of completion interior walls, floors and carpet had been ripped up and used for fuel for fires. Within 12 months the building was declared unsafe to live in.

So here we go again…………The Northern Territory Intervention began last year, only and I say ONLY because the issues of alcohol abuse, abuse, violence and rape had become so public that the Australian people demanded something be done about it. Northern Queensland has the same issues with a police officer coming forward saying they, Government heads and community services should ignore what have been some horrific crimes that have become so public. Unfortunately they have always been there.

1. The Victorian Aboriginal Council has said a Billion Dollars is a starting point for them, is this going to help in the long term?

2. Given the original remedies attempted what new remedies should be sought so Aboriginals can CAN and take advantage of opportunities that European Australians take for granted?

3. As the compensation claims come rolling in (following the upcoming formal acceptance of responsibility)…… it going to inflame relations between our two cultures.

4. Is compensation THAT WILL EFFECT ALL UNWITTING TAX PAYERS going to solve the core issues?




  1. This is such an important issue. Thank you for bringing this up. I know the lawyers will be fighting it out for a long time.

    There is a web of unfinished business in the histories between the European Australians and the Aboriginal people. And it has been left for so long, it has developed into what seems like a hopeless situation. The psychology of the aboriginal people as a whole has been largely effected by the genocide, abuse, degradation and assimilation of their families and ancestors over more than 100 years. This part of Australian history is intertwined with the setting up of our legal system as well as every other system that has brought us to the society many of us enjoy today.

    The very law that balances us all in this European culture on aboriginal land is "terra nullius". For the leader of this country to say sorry for the taking over of this land with no contract or formal agreement, means that they were wrong to do so. This means that we are all now sitting on Aboriginal land that can be claimed at any time. 1 Billion dollars is like this countries loose change compared to what they are owed legally. What is taken for granted by both cultural perspectives seems to be relative.

    The European Australian heritage and the Aboriginal culture has always been directly at odds with each other. For example, the ANZACs that fought bravely in battle and many Australian soldiers are remembered for their courage (lest we forget) whereas the tribe names and families of those ethnically cleansed are like skeletons in all of our closets.

    Hypocrisies like this all over the relationship makes it almost impossible for Aboriginal people to feel good about who they are and what they have to look forward to. And with generation after generation of hopelessness, it's going to take a lot more than material things to fix the minds of the disillusioned. A lump sum of money is obviously not the solution. It will take ears and minds to listen and realize these people have been neglected and need genuine concern and help. They deserve to be met half way in an agreement and no longer swindled by a system we will pass on to our more enlightened children.

    For this to be resolved, there needs to be a new paradigm of thinking that starts to intertwine Aboriginal and European culture, laws, education and social services and that benefits both sides of the spectrum. This needs to be nationally recognized and celebrated.

    This Australia Day is going to be brainstorming day. I'm sure there will be many BBQing lamb and many others protesting in the streets.

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