
Video Editing HELP!!!!?

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How do you blur family photos from homemade videos for free




  1. if you have a mac, then you can iPhoto it or in keynotes you can change the opacity, that's what I do.

  2. The question cant be answered without knowing what type of video editing software you have. The technial answer depends on whether you are using Avid, FCP, Adobe, etc. Please update for a detailed answer

  3. Ohhh ok you want to blur out part of the video, like how a person's face is blurred on Cops when they haven't signed a release form.

    Here's an explanation

    You create a second layer of the same video, crop it to only show the part you want to blur, and add the blur effect. Then you move the center of that layer around if it starts to move in the frame. It's a tedious and somewhat complex process for a novice editor. Good luck.

  4. go to Windows Movie Maker (if you have it) and import the files. Once done place them on the timeline or storyboard, then go to effects, choose the effect you want, and choose which photo you want it for.

  5. It may be possible to blur the pic in the background of  the VIDEO FILE (not PICTURE) using some advanced video editing software-photo editing combination, e.g., Adobe Premiere + Photoshop at a premium.

    However, considering that there are normally 30 frames per second of video, I can just imagine the enormous task ahead... almost frame by frame... say, for half a minute of video  ~ 30sec x 30 frames  ~ photoshop edit = 900 frames to re-do in Photoshop (at say 1 hr work/frame = 900hrs of work). Splitting the video to individual frames alone would be quite a task.

    Practically, a re-shoot might easily take only a few minutes if still possible.

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