
Video Editing Software for .mov files?

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I've tried using Windows Movie Maker, but for some reason it tells me my files aren't "indexed," so I can't use it. My digital camera records videos in .mov files so I need a program that works with that, preferably something that is simple to use. Thanks!




  1. You may try AVS Video Editor which has many great functions. The features in the official site are below:

    1. Direct Transfer to iPod, PSP, Mobiles and Other Portable Players

    2. Supports Virtually ALL Video Formats

    3. Burn Movie DVDs

    4. Capture and Edit Video from External Devices

    5. Edit Video and Enhance Your Movies

    6. Create Slide Shows

    7. Make Perfect Audio for Your Video Editing Tasks

    8. Scene Detection

    9. Convenient Video Editing Tools and Interface

    There is the free download link:

    Also, you can use Photoshop which may be difficult for us:

  2. Convert it to avi format with a media converter.

  3. first of all i have to tell you that you can solve all your problems with buying a Video Converter or using an online conversion service (search in Google for online converter). you can convert your files to WMV and then it would be available to be imported in any editing tool.

    best of editing tools for you (some one who is not pro) are:

    Sony Vegas 8 : it would be a little confusing at first but the best thing about it is that you can use it as a professional editing tool and do a lot of things.

    Ulead Video Studio : it is designed to create home made videos but the problem is that it's not as powerful as Sony Vegas

    Adobe Premiere Pro : a professional editing tool but i don't like it at all cause the versions i used were very bad and it was so hard to work with. i don't know about CS3 version.

    Adobe After Effect : is my favorite but it's too hard to use and it's so professional. it can be used for mixing Special Effects for movies such as Harry Potter and etc. i don't think you need to use this one cause it's really pro.

    as my opinion choose Sony Vegas or Ulead Video Studio. good luck

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