
Video Game Anger Issues?

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I have two younger brothers, age 11. They just got a Wii for their birthday, and constantly swear yell and scream when they don't win. How can I get them to drop this habit?





  1. Wack 'em upside the head

  2. Well tell them to calm down or they wont be able to play the wii and take it away from the i have the same problem with dbz fighting games that's why i stoped playing them.

  3. it is not your job to discipline. It is your parents. Talk to them about your brothers behaviour and how innapropriate it is

  4. They should have a Wii if this is the case. May need pills by the sounds of things also.

  5. My brother had the exact same problem. There's not a lot that you can do except talk to your parents about turning it off when they start screaming and yelling, or taking it away for a day or two. If you let this go on something is going to end up broken, I guarantee.

  6. Tell them you would prefer them to curse verbally in text format instead...OMFG!! WTF!! RU FN KIDDING ME?!? BS!

    I don't curse when I play with my Wii. I just smile. ;) LOL!!!

  7. Tell them that they are just playing a game.

    To make a point, you could throw a hissy fit and act like them the next time you lose.

    Maybe they would see how recockulous they look if you do it too.

  8. I am 26 and still love video games, but I tell myself that "when it stops being fun, do something else." you're chances of winning and enjoying the games you play are better if you have other things to do as well, go out get some sunshine. Games can be frustrating, but it isn't healthy to let them get you so worked up.

  9. Every time they yell or scream, lock them in their room for 10 minutes. If they yell again, do it again.

  10. You should tell them to stop and if they don't stop you (if you believe in this) spank them, and take it away until they learn to stop swearing at the TV. It's just a game. I'm sure if they can learn to play it, they can learn to stop. That's what my dad did with me, and it sure as heck worked.

  11. Take the game away when they start getting overly aggressive.  Take it away for a day.  Then give it back, teach them that they have to behvae.

  12. If you are in charge of them during the time they play the Wii, then you need to take steps to help them behave better.  First explain that it is bad behavior and un sportsman like to swear, yell and scream if they don't win.  Explain that their friends won't want to play with them if they continue acting like four year olds.  Then warn them that if you catch them doing it, they will lose their Wii priveledges for the remainder of that day, no matter WHO started it, WHO won, or WHO lost.  (it's way to difficult to determine how to be fair, so just be equal).

    If that doesn't work after a couple of times, then take the Wii priveledges away for the remainder of the week.

    You must stick to your decision!  Don't let them sweet talk you!  Good Luck!

  13. You don't have the power to take the game away from them..that wouldn't be the right thing to do.

    You need to tell your parents: your brothers get upset evreytime they lose, and start swearing. They should learn how to accept that they can't win evreything...if they don't they are going to have a really hard time when they are older.

    Let Your Parents Handle it.

    Peace Out.

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