
Video Games On RCA 46 inch Rear Projection?

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I have 1996 model rca 46 inch rear projection it safe to play my nintendo wii on it?? If not why? If yes why have i heard its bad???




  1. It is safe to play as long as you do not pause the game with the TV for an extend period of time. Also if you play a same game over and over again for hours upon hour and if there is any image that never moves from that spot, you may experience burn in of that image.

  2. I dunno

  3. The concern with a CRT RPTV is that stationary images can cause image burn-in somewhat easily.

    This is because the three CRT projectors, one for each primary color of light, operate at very high temperatures which make burn-in far easier to occur than with a direct-view CRT set.

    Video games inherently have certain stationary components in the video, such as your score and hi-score information.  If left on the screen for long enough, that visual component can be permanently burned in.

    To avoid this, you may have to limit your playing time as well as to maintain a variety of what games you play and what TV programs and movies you watch.

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