
Video Recording Legality?

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Are there any places in public that a citizen is not allowed to record? What about certain times such as a police emergency...can you record them. Can you record anywhere?




  1. in the USA, it is permissable to photograph/video in any public place.

    public place includes streets, sidewalks, parks. front yards if not fenced.

    it does not include private homes, back yards that are screened, events where admission is charged, business establishments, military bases and "public" school grounds (including colleges).

    thus the paperazzi have a lot of lattitude, because celebrities cannot claim copyrights for images taken in public places (fools names and faces appear in public places...). if a photographer is exceptionally obnoxious in stalking a celebrity, a restraining order can be issued against a specific person. a police line has the authority of restricting access (and photos) temporaily in otherwise public areas. while taking a picture while standing behind a police line cannot be restricted, images of dead people and similar may have moral restrictions as to their public distribution. also the courts can require that copies of photos of a crime in progress be turned over for evidentuary or investigative purposes, including those that may depict inappropriate police action.

  2. What country are you in?  

  3. if you go to a museum or play or concert or movie, recording is generally not alowed

    if you spesifically record one person and want to show it is a large audience, you need there permission to show it to the audience

    but you can really record about anywhere

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