
Video game addiction?

by  |  earlier

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i play video games for too long, and its affecting my social life, like i make excuses with my friends to play all day, even if it is summer vacation, its getting out of control. any advice on how to stop




  1. WTF seriously ur a sad sad man seriously ur asking peoples advice just throw every video game thing u have away......DONE ADDICTION BU BYE

  2. well,

    get some really good friends,

    like really good friends,

    like girls that are friends,

    hang out with them,

    if this doesn't work than you must be a g*y.

  3. Get rid of it.  If you don't have it, you can't play.  Then you will HAVE to find something else to do with your time.

  4. thats not always a bad thing just cut it down a bit and hang out with people

  5. Go outside. Seriously s*x>vidya games. I swear you kids these days

  6. Go outside, the trees miss you.

  7. Format C:\

    Send video game cd's through the paper shredder.

    Grow some balls and do it.  

  8. put it away... think about how much your life is sloping down just because of your addiction.  

  9. dont worry i had the same problem. so i grew up enough courage to sell all of my games everything!!! and it was actually easier than i thought. i used the money to take my girlfriend out to dinner it feels nice to finally have a life lol....hope this helped.

  10. ya kno it would help if u told how old u r

  11. Umm Find sumthing else to do sumthing interesting that wont last for very long, or hurry and beat ur game and be dont mess with it for a while,


    Also, ......I love how u put that....under Mental Health, short laughs

    Hey dudes answer this please, not a hard question.....

  12. sell it, get out and find a physical hobby boy.

  13. I hear you i had a life that consisted mostly of video games and internet. Unfortunately not only did this take a toll on my social life but also my relationship. What i found helped me was working more hours. I would work longer days and by the time i got home i was either so happy to have finally made it through the day that i just wanted to see my g/f and relax or i was too tired to look at a computer monitor. The other plus was it also helped me for paying bills and saving up some cash. I know work doesnt sound like the most entertaining thing but you'll find your social life rebuilds with your co-workers. Who knows maybe you'll start to hang out with them. Theres always time to make new friends and rebuild your relationships with your old ones.

    Good luck
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