
Video games for teen girl?

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Hey guys!

What are some video games that a 16 yr. old girl would like?

Keep in mind, this girl is a real gamer, not the Sims type girl.

Ones she already has and enjoys:

Resident Evil 4, Outbreak, and Code Veronica

Call of Duty 3

Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus

Splinter Cell

Just to name a few.

So, any suggestions?


Also, is Silent Hill a good video game?




  1. Tenchu Z

  2. Ask in the video game section.  You will get many answers in just a few minutes.

  3. Anybody could enjoy Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. Those are great games.

  4. grand theft auto san andeas or vice city

    Im a teen girl and I love both of them

  5. how about guitar hero

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