
Video quality question?

by  |  earlier

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i watch a video clip on windows media player right on the small screen and the picture perfect and when i put it on full screen the quality decreases cas it on the full screen is there any softwareto create the clip for full screen and exellent quality




  1. This is what compression does. Once compressed, the quality cannot be retrieved. The only way to get "excellent quality" full screen is to use a less compressed version of the same clip.

    The same thing happens with still photos... when you first get the image out of a camera - let's say it is 8 megapixels and uses multiple megabytes of space - it looks great full screen, too. But you want to send it and that takes too long to email, so you save it so it is a small jpeg that takes 20kbytes... looks great as a 1" square picture - but now when you go full screen, it is terrible - and there is no way to recover unless you can get to the original multi-megapixel picture...

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