
Viet nam,.what are "chinese guard dogs" [ those fearce mythological, stylizes statues] called in viet namese?

by Guest56157  |  earlier

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viet nam, viet nam, viet nam




  1. Dogs are generally called the speciality of the day.

  2. You mean the creatures depict in Lion Dances? We call them "con La^n".  Some do have a single horn on the forehead therefore the unicorn reference.  People from middle part of the country (Hue, Danang..) call them thieng cau which mean "dogs from heaven".

  3. I think you are referring to the lions. I don't know what they are called in tieng Viet.

  4. We call it Beijing dog. VNmese = "chó Bắc Kinh"

    **New answer with more infor from asker**

    okay, "con lân" is correct here. The word "lân" is synonym and homonym at the same time. Depends on the context, "lân" could refer to Chinese, old VNmese tradition myth animal in Oriental culture. Also, "lân" or "kỳ lân" could refer to the unicorn with horn on the head in Occidental culture as well. The same thing for "dragon" or "long" - VNmese. Depends in context, we can imagine 2 different kinds of dragons.

    Hope this help.

  5. Always heard them called "foo dogs" but they're more Chinese than Vietnamese. (also "fu dogs," and in Tibet "snow lions").

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