
Vietnam .. CAN YOU BUY LAND THERE if you are not a VNese national?

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I have talked with 10 Vietnamese nationals about this and I got 10 different answers.

what is the truth?

sounds like it is NOT possible at this time for a foreigner to buy land there .....

what is your opinion?




  1. there are 3 possible answers YES or NO or MAYBE

    Not 10??

  2. Even if the current law allows foreigners to buy land, what's your protection?  The govt can change the law anytime and even retroactively and you can't sue them anywhere.  You have no legal recourse whatsoever.  I wouldn't risk my money.  In addition, if you put yourself in their shoes.  Cash-loaded foreigners coming in your country and buying up all real estate squeezing out poor local folks?  You like that?  After all, Vietnam is not a free-enterprise country, where foreign real estate investment is encouraged.  It is a SOCIALIST nation and in theory, a socialist country is classless for it can't have the haves owning all land and real estate and the have-nots with nothing.  The communists rode to power on that theory; would they backpedal?

  3. How is the truth? I also heard that under the VN new law, VN national can buy land or house under your name, we wonder if it's true, I think if you have relatives living in VN you can buy and try your luck. I have been doing the same

  4. The short answer is yes. But as the previous respondent indicated, it's not easy. Vn is dedicated to a world market economy(land ownership, free market ideals, etc,), however, it's very risky. I am an American. My (Vietnamese) wife and I own land with "red paper" titles. That means the government can't legally take our land.

    Vn is a socialist republic. The government can be corrupt but they truly care about the Vietnamese people. If you are "undesirable" they WILL take your land and give you nothing in return.

    Don't be undesiable. Be a (foreign) businessman with a heart. To own a piece of paradise you have to be a caring human being. I don't know how to describe it to you, but my wife and I help those who need help. I imagine you would investigate the local government in your province and contact them. If you want to make money in Vn, be prepared to give some of that money back. Socialism is a great system as long as it's not regulated by the government.

    Good luck.

  5. yes but you need to have a reletive that you can trust to be paying the payments and stuff like my parents

  6. The only possibility to buy land is on Phu Quoc island, at the moment.

    Time will tell if you can really keep it - but you can buy it - I just did and now I built a house there.

    Usually you need a vietnamese partner and then it's still, most of the time, only a 50 years ownership. Investors have hughe problems with that, as it can easily happen that tha government wants the land back after only 5 years.

    The best chance - find a vietnamese partner with good connections to the government......

    Unfortunately it is still a reality - a contract is not worth the paper it's written on.....good luck!

  7. Until now, only VNE can by land under the Vietnamese Law. Have you heard many stories about Foreigners by land under the name of some Vietnamese (normally the girl that they love), and after that they have nothing as every document is signed by that VNE girls.

    - Vietnamese Government will let Foreigners and Oversea VNE by land in Vietnam under their names, but not now.

    If you wish to by land, ask your relative in Vietnam (the person that you can trust) or you can wait the law...

    Happy living

  8. remember that vietnam is still under communist rule. it doesn't sell its national patrimony to foreigners. you can buy land, yes but it won't be yours forever. you can be evicted from your land if govt needs it for peoples' use.

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