I am going to Vietnam for a couple weeks in August, spending time in Hanoi and Nha Trang (scuba) and a little in Saigon. I am also planning on going to Angkor, but not sure how to get there.
I have a couple options: I can either go to Hue/Hoi An for a few days and fly to Angkor for a couple days, or I can do one of those 2 nite cross-border Mekong Delta trips from Saigon-Can Tho-Chau Doc-Phnom Penh, then boat to Angkor. Is that trip worth it or is it better to skip Chau Doc/Phnom Penh and fly to Angkor? If I flew I would probably just do a 1 day Mekong Delta trip.
So basically it is between Hue/Hoi An and a lenghty Mekong/Phnom Penh trip. Help!!!