
Vietnamese food ^Y^?

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What kind of food that you prefer to eat most in Vietnam! I want to know,cuz I'm willing to go there ^^




  1. + spring roll

  2. rats and dogs. yum. I'm hungry

  3. Well one of the well know Vite food is PHO, it's like noodle broth with meats and veggies on top, mix it up with some sauce and stuff.It's has tons of flavor. Hard to explain, but it's really good.

    Another is COM TAM, it's like BBQ or grilled meats on a bed of rice. Sounds simple, but there's more on it and it's one of my favorites!

    Ummm...there's egg rolls and all that, but you should try stuff that you haven't b4 and see what you like.

  4. vietnamese, french & itallian.........also,'ll love the food there! ENJOY!

  5. everything is tasty over there^^

    but eat fruits in vietnam, that's wat i always eat when im in vietnam, they have the best fruits ever!!

  6. Pho.  Nothing like pho in Vietnam.  I live in the Bay Area, we have many Filipino places, but there's no place with good pho.

    Next would be bun cha.  Smoked pork over noodles.  Good stuff.

  7. I enjoy the Pho when I am there.  The rare beef especially.  The pate sandwiches are hard to beat too.

    Cheers from C.

  8. y u want to know? i don't want to share my good with u since i won't be in
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