
View the link. Is this real?

by  |  earlier

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Ive seen it in a commercial, but I think the video clip itself was real, the phone company just decided to use it as their commercial. I don't see why it would be fake, thanks.




  1. DEFINITLY NOT TRUE! Look at 3 things

    1) The fan don't slow down even a bit when the cat grabs the things. Try just to stop your fan with your hand at slow speed and see how much resistance it gives you

    2) The fan don't bend or shake whatsoever. Try it at home. Just go stick something remotly heavy and you will see the fan shaking like crazy. The weight of that cat should have totaly unbalanced the fan

    3) A cat will never react like that in that position. It would fight, twist and do everything to get out of that position, not just stay straight and flat

  2. Yea it's fake, you can tell by the bad voice acting, it's pretty good video work though. They cut it short before the end of the commercial.

  3. fake.

    in addition to the others who noticed why it was fake, who hangs cords from the BLADES of a fan?

  4. idk but that was hilarious

  5. that looks soooo funny. Surely it is real- hear the sound the incredulous laugh at what unfolds and the 'turn the fan off' ith hushed urgency...

    It led me to a clip about baby & snake fight...OMG i cannot believe that I felt sick watching it!! The crawling baby & the snake- and everybody not caring obviously it is a pet and the baby spends lots of time doing that but  what did they do to the snake to stop it hurting!

  6. I have seen that clip in other compilations of so called funny cat videos.  Not sure why a phone company would think that is a way to sell a product, but whatever.

    My best guess is that the cat swatted at the moving pull cord of the fan, which puzzles me as to why it would be so long in the first place.

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