
Views AGAINST killing Kangaroos in Australia? 10 points reward.?

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I'm trying to find a view AGAINST killing Kangaroo's in Australia. If somebody finds me an interview (with a name, or a name of an organization) you'll get ten points.

Thanks in advance.




  1. I doubted that you will find an actual interview that is about AGAINST killing kangaroo.

    People overseas might have only seen the tiny snippet of news about kangaroo culling IN ONE VERY SMALL PLACE in Australia and think that we are all murderers over here.  Don't think that they are cute and cuddly. They are NOT!!

    Roos can rib your arms open with their sharp claws and their kick can seriously hurt you (can be fatal to a small child). They have been known to rip open dogs rib cages when they are cornered.

    The recent cull was not pleasant and could have been avoided if appropriate actions were taken two or three years earlier.  But at the same time, people overseas don't have to put up with roo population going out of control and mobs moving to different areas due to drought and cause havoc for traffic.  For example -  I hit a roo late last year on my way home from work. NEVER hit one before on that road. Lucky for me it hardly cause any damage to the car (average cost of damage from hitting a roo is about $1000)

    Anyway... not the answer you sought but I hope some of the answers here give you some idea as to what is the real situation about these "cute an cuddly" animal you might think they are.


  2. I am totally for the culling process. Having lived on a farm in a district that was in high drought with an over healthy population of Roos. They ended up being culled by cars whilst feeding on the only grasses that existed at the side of the roads. In one weekend in a 5 kilometre range I counted 22 dead, all been struck by cars.

    They also deny other native animals food because of how quickly they breed and their lack of natural predators. Their only one truly being man. I say cull humanly and use the products for dog meat, human meat and fur. Yes fur.

    Here are some links not sure if they will help but I googled groups against kangaroo culling.


    try these, if that what you looking for ....

  4. PETA can always be relied on for an uninformed 'knee-jerk' reactionist slant on Australian animal husbandry practices.

    You can check them out and all the support they recieve from tree hugging hippies that have no idea what they are talking about.  One of their favourite pinups is his whimpiness Sir Paul McCartney, who loves to comment on issues he knows nothing about.


  6. Culling of Kangaroo's have been shown to be random killings in the media, What happens is that in a drought there is not enough grass for the roo's to eat, and so they stave to death, to prevent this slow painful death some of the Roo's in that area are destroyed (shot) which means the Roo's that are left can eat the remaining grass, The R.S.P.C.A closely supervise the culling and the animals are not left to suffer in pain. I hope this helps you understand a little more. remembering that No one wants to kill Kangaroos however there is just no other alteritive to this you can not relocate them as suggested by some or we would do that. The Kangaroos that are being culled are what we call the "eastern Grey Kangaroo" and they do breed very fast to the point that the population size has to be controled

  7. There are far too many kangaroos, they are a pest, that's why they are being culled. They have no other animal to compete with and so we need to step in.

    Sorry I can't help you with your argument, I'm sure you support the culling, although that's probably what you have been assigned to do.

  8. they are a pest why be against killing roo's

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