
Views on generation gap?

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Views on generation gap?




  1. Completely natural and even unavoidable.

  2. what generation gap? details...

  3. It is like sans bhi kabhi bahu thi

  4. .

  5. Actually defference of openions over one thing between young and old generation is defined as generation gap. which is in our system from generations, in my view when we wish to compile our expectations only with our own benefits and when there is any defference in openions then we call it a gen.. gap.

  6. The Emo generation has got to be the lamest generation EVER. What do they stand for? What do they do? What do they have that's their own?

  7. Generation gap existed in the previous generations too.

    It is difficult to understand at times but that is how life is.

  8. The generation gap I think comes about because of generational differences: music, styles of dress, The children following fads or trends and other things that come into conflict with the parents beliefs and believing their parents are clueless.

    Most of us want to believe our parents are clueless.  That there is no way they can comprehend what is going on in our world.  Personally I think their wrong.  

    Why, because our parents have already lived and survived what their kids are going through.  Ok the clothes are different and so the music but they to listened to the evil rock and roll, they played hooky from school, they swiped beer or liquor from their house to share with their dates and went parking or they know someone who did all that and they also know how it can turn out because they have already lived it.

    It's a matter of perspective.  Kids think their parents are dumb and parents just hope their kids live long enough to come to their senses.

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