
Views on nationalitys?

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Hey, i live in uk an always get abuse for being Irish, Does the whole world see us as a nation of alcoholic idiots?

As a whole were very inteligent an friendly but this dont seem to matter to some people




  1. Great answer from Whats up Doc so give him the 10 points. Unfortunately many years ago some English comedians made a living out of ridiculing the Irish and much of it stems from then. They were quick to stereotype Irish people as drunken fools but this was only to deflect from the behaviour of some of their own Countrymen i.e. drunken louts. Irish people are no different to people from any other Western nation and have  a mix of good and bad so just ignore it.

  2. i don't see irish people that way, most of the irish people i've met are very intelligent and really creative especially musically. Be proud.

  3. My family comes from Ireland but I'm an American (note that this doesn't mean I'm some distant descendant, I actually go visit cousins and aunts and uncles over there) and I think I have the answer.

    Yes, the world sees the Irish as a nation of alcoholic idiots and people who are crazy and like to dance only with their legs and sing without moving their mouths.

    This is a plot though.  The Irish people have a plan.  This plan is taking centuries to culmonate, and generations more will be born and die before we truly own the world.  However, here is the plan so far:

    Step 1:  Drink.

    Step 2:  ????

    Step 3:  Profit!

  4. You should be proud to be Irish. I am Greek and I can definitely tell you we Greeks love the Irish because you  are full of passion!

  5. stay true to youself.....nationalities...embrace in ireland...and its like big brother,,,,just embrace!

  6. I'm with you.  Irish Mexican-American and Proudl

  7. Paddymac,

    This is the way the media has portrayed you so you have an uphill battle. Here in the U.S. the southern states have the same prejudices against them.  It is unfortunate because I know that the Irish have a lot more to offer than these typical stereotypes.  Early in the U.S.'s history the Irish were under the same types of prejudices, but if it weren't for the early Irish much of the U.S. would have come under strain to be completed.  It's the way the world operates...they see it on tv and they think it has to be true.  The tv has replaced personal experience and everyone pays the price.

  8. In the outside world, all UK people are equally respected

  9. I'm living in Ireland at the moment (for a couple of months) and I believe Irish people are some of the funniest, warmest, kindest people I've ever met. The truth is, you do drink a lot around here. You see it as normal because you're used to it, but other people do it find it a bit shocking and that may spoil the general impression.

    I also noticed that Irish men are very shy. they shouldn't be, they're too cute for that!

  10. ohh, yes i understand, i hate it i have irish back ground and i abuse anyone that tells irish jokes, i think irish ppl are great the men are so sweet and i love that accent, you are seing in a negative way to me irelands bueatiful.....

  11. Paddy mac, unfortunately some people in the UK will use any old excuse to abuse the Irish, there are the few there that still think that we are beneath them. I find it funny that the only country in the world that hates the Irish, are our neighbours, the English.

  12. Every-body has to be born some-where. We could all learn from each other, pick-ing up the good and the powerful in each race and nationality, learning powerful secrets from each nationality. Why not learn the good weapon of Chinese  acupuncture, traditional herbal remedies of the African etc, etc. Meditate on these songs : The world on a wheel .......

    A  little more oil in my  lamp to keep it burning  .....we will sing an Ethiopian song.

    ....Wicket cricket, I now bowl-ing like Sobers ...... grease the ball with some oil I get from China man,.......rain come and end the match.

  13. Hi, i have a friend in Belfast and she has just got back from Uganda, she went out with a team of other Irish people for the second time to help build a school for the children and have successfully completed it. They took out provisions, football shirts footballs, lots of clothes and since i met her 6 yrs ago all i've ever known is her love and kindness for me and humanity. An exceptional woman...I'm scottish and it's untrue what some believe of us in parting with our money but we know we are a generous people and it doesn't matter what others believe. I think because were celts (Scott's and Irish) we understand each other better...So no the whole world doesn't see you the way you've asked....i love Irish people and it's true you all have that wonderful Irish charm....and we usually laugh at the same doesn't matter what others think you can be very proud to be Irish...and i know lots of people who agree with all the best ...cheers.. and haste ye back...

  14. Good question and Yes, the world sees you as being a nation of alcoholic idiots - and for good reason.

    1. The Irish, when they travel, tend to spend a lot of time in the pubs and get very drunk.

    Source: Check out any holiday destination where Irish people gather.

    2. The Irish at home tend to spend a lot of time in the pub and get very drunk.

    Source: these are not generalisations, check out the world wide consumption of alcohol statistics.

    3. The most famous Irish icon is Guinness.

    Source: Obvious

    What is more disturbing is that some Irish people play up this stereotype. In Australia on St. Particks day we have breakfast TV beamed from one of the many Irish PUBS (no Irish restaurants here). On the TV you see Irish people on holidays drinking pints of guinness at 7:30 in the morning!!!! What does that tell you?

    So, yes...Irish people are both intelligent and friendly but don't do themselves any favours by their love of alcohol.
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