
Views please on the McCanns programme last night?

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I found it heart rendering. Yes - they did wrong. It doesn't need the world to tell them. Its a shame some of you weren't staying at the same place as them. You could have done something about it.

I hope one day they do get their daughter back. And I hope they never give up on the idea that one day they will see her again.




  1. It has not changed my mind about them at all. I still have no sympathy for them. They CHOSE to leave their children (the OLDEST being just 3yr!!) ALONE, they where not forced to do so and they MUST have been aware of the dangers that could - and did!!! - happen. They then come looking for sympathy from the public for something which ultimately happened solely from their OWN actions.

    There is only one real victim in all of this who deserves ALL of our sympathy and that is their beautiful daughter who has gone through God only knows what. And all because mummy and daddy would rather go out with friends to a restaurant where they could neither see NOR hear their OWN children....

    Would you all still be sympathetic towards them had Maddie drowned or set fire to the apartment because they had left her alone........I doubt it very much!

  2. I feel very much the same as mark and yes I hope they are suffering because heaven knows what Madeleine has been through in her short life, no child deserves this.

    They left their most prized possessions alone and one of them went missing, God help them because I won't.

  3. I didn't see the program - because I wouldn't have been able to watch it without putting my foot through the TV.

    Now, whilst I really do feel a great deal of sympathy for Maddie and the twins, I can't help but feel that the McCann parents are directly responsible for Maddie's disappearance.

    If they hadn't (repeatedly) left their kids alone in a hotel room whilst they went out to socialise, we wouldn't even know who Maddie is.  I feel nothing for them, only for Maddie...

  4. Leave these nice people alone.  There is nothing wrong with trying to make a quick bu... i mean honest bob.

  5. What haunts me most is the thought that Maddie is alive somewhere and being horribly abused. As to the parents, they are the architects of this entire mess and no one can ever explain to me how or why they could lave all those babies alone and unattended in a hotel that has free babysitting services. A nanny who sat for them was interviewed and they used her several times except for the night Maddie vanished; why did they not use her that night? Unbelievable. I feel nothing for them beyond contempt.

  6. I saw them on the BBC in the morning and it just doesn't sit well with me at all.  Its all good and well them laying the blame on the person who took Maddie but the crime probably wouldn't have been committed if they took the time to look after their children properly in the first place!!!!

  7. their lives are more or less gone now. and it makes me wonder, if they didnt have 2 other kids to care for ..what they may have done. they both look so very broken and tired.

  8. I hope they get Madeleine back too. I found it heartbreaking, as I have a daughter aged 3, I could never leave her alone though, still feel really bad for them though.

  9. Well said. I really feel for them and can't begin to imagine what it would feel like! I don't think that poor Madeleine is alive any more, but I will continue to hope that one day she will be found. I don't blame them for clinging onto hope until the day they die. I would be the same.

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