
Village Post Office?

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Could anyone tell me, Does it matter how many customers you deal with in a small post office, in relation to your wages earned.

For example, does the owner care if 3 people come in to post each day, does it help them if 30 people come in each day?





  1. wages in the post office are paid hourly, not on "unit pay" which is based on the amount of product sold, or in this case letters posted. so the worker would get the same if 3 people or 30 people came in

  2. the only way your wages would be affected by the amount of customers is when they decide to shut it down!

    apart from that, its like any other job: you are paid a certain rate for a specified number of hours per week and cannot be in relation to the usage of the P.O.

  3. No. No matter where the post office is located, it is run by the government, so postal workers are federal employees. And their wages/salaries are regulated. So postal workers in a little village makes as much or as little as the ones in a city, no matter how many customers they have any given day.

  4. The amount of customers doesn't matter. Ye are paid tae be in the place fur a certain amount of time.

  5. it wont stay opened long if they only have 3 customers - that's why the government is closing a lot of them down
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