
Vince won't let wrestlers curse because it sends the wrong message to kids But he'll let them steal?

by  |  earlier

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Way to go Vince Way to go




  1. well they curse all the time plus its cryme tyme what do you expect lol but i like cryme tyme

  2. You are trying to make sense out of WWE?  Good luck, man.  I just choose to enjoy the show.  But you do make an interestong point.  They bring me back to the days of Los Guerreros though, and it made me laugh.

  3. It's not vince that doesnt allow the is the network and fcc.

    The program will get fined or pulled off the air for language and video.

    Hence the reason why some of the Arab wrestlers are no longer with WWE.  The network did not like the use of the arabs and the story line.  They threatened to pull wwe off the air.

    see here:

    Now the stealing thing has been an ongoing thing throughout the years...With people stealing belts....and undertakers urn....Jimmy hart's megaphone....uhmm...the manequine head from....was it mick foley?  or was it terry funk...something like that...I forget at the moment...from well...not just black...

    Also the Latino Heat..."we lie, we cheat, we steal"

    Look at all the heel characters....and their cheating....and useage of illegal weapons, means of that what we want to portray to our kids too?

    Anyway just saying...Today's Tv....thats what we get....

  4. excactly, why does it have to be the black guys?

  5. kaaaaaa blacks stealing.......haha

  6. Umm... everything from 1996-2001 sent the wrong message to kids.

    Because of the WWE (when it was the Federation), I set my mom on fire, chopy-chopied my father's pee pee, became a Pimp and drank blood as my 80-year-old lover gave birth to a rubber hand.

    I still have the urge every once in a while to throw someone off of a cage...

  7. lol.. cool..i fould out were both from b more

  8. That is nice man you said it.

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