
Vindalooooo?? love it - hate it??

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike iiittttttt.....blows my head off but nothing like a good top lip sweat!!

and lots of naan to mop up the sauce!!




  1. Not so much....

    now... vegetable korma... *drools*

  2. i prefer chicken tikka massala

  3. depends on my mood but generally cant get enough of it!

  4. If my botty doesn't drop into the potty for a drink after a vindaloo, I don't go there again.

    I make my own mostly.

    Keema naan  mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh.

  5. Well, I am Mangalorean and of course I love vindaloo.  And to the person who suggests it is just too hot and you can't taste the spices behind it - I have so say I am sorry but you probably have just tasted restaurant c**p, not real vindaloo.

    The way my mom or grandmom makes it beats any restaurant.

  6. what the heck is a Vindaloooooooo???

  7. I prefer curry where you can taste the blend of spices behind it. A little heat is nice though.

  8. May I know what is vindaloo? Is it a North Indian dish? Sounds like it.

  9. It is a little (a lot) hot for me.  My Husband loves it.  An Indian restaurant we used to go to had a great Manager.  he always asked how do you like your curry? mild?  medium? hot?  very hot?  or F.H.?  I will leave it to you to work that one out.

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