
Vine grass?

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my grass is like all vines its taken over the whole yard there isnt any more regular grass the vine looks like its all clovers but when you pull it out of the ground its all attached. what kind of grass is it and how can i get rid of it because it looks like its all weeds.




  1. Um my guess without looking at the plant is that it may be Yellow Wood sorrel or Black Medic both look a bit like clover and seem to spread by sending out connected stems.  There is a list on the web site below and you can look through it yourself.  You need to use a broad leaf weed killer on these sorts of weeds or a weed and feed application on what grass you have because these weeds grow where the ground is low on nutrients.  Be sure when you use the weed killer that the air is calm.  Early morning is best and little or no wind.  You don't want to kill a tree or a neighbors garden while getting rid of your weeds.  One tree that is especially susceptible is Red Bud.  So be especially careful around them.

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