
Vinegar and baking soda both have health benifits...?

by Guest56270  |  earlier

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if i use them both will i like blow up?

i take 2 table spoons of vinegar a day... and i'm thinking about using some baking soda to whiten my teeth. will that hurt me?

i'm obsessed with health benifits from random stuff. lol.




  1. Nothing's happened to me thusfar lol. I've been brushing my teeth with baking soda for about 2 years because I hate toothpaste, and I eat vinegar all the time because I love how it tastes.

    They don't interact with eachother in those small amounts or when taken spread out from eachother.

  2. To be honest, regular vinegar doesn't have many health benefits when ingested AND, because vinegar is an acid, it erodes your teeth.

    Be careful!


    Yes, baking soda will whiten your teeth.

  3. Organic apple cider vinegar does really work and is very good for you!! It will give your skin a healthy fresh glow owing to its ability to aid in digestion and get everything running smoothly ♥

    Go and get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar ~ Braggs is a good quality brand. put 2 tablespoons into a mug and fill with water,mix it up and drink through a straw (to protect the enamel on your teeth) ............ this will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and aid in digestion of your meals thus also helping with constipation. It will also cure an acid tummy by increasing digestion and realkalising your tummy.

    Apple cider vinegar will eliminate heart burn and acid reflux symptoms........ have two mugs if you have to. All natural ingredients, no chemicals or rubbish to upset sensitive little bodies in organic apple cider vinegar either.

    here, check out this link ~

    oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ♥

    Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout the ACV♥

    As far as the baking soda goes, yes used in small amounts on your toothbrush daily it will make your teeth whiter and cleaner ..........  try not to swallow it though as the baking soda will alkalise the contents of your tummy (a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water is good for when you have a tummy ache as a temporary measure ...... but not good for digestion in general as it neutralises an acid tummy but also neutralises tummy acids such as hydrochloric acid, which are essential for effective digestion)

    take care of you ♥



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