
Violated Conditional liscence please help.

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i got a DWI in NY last year i am 20 years old my 21st birthday is this october. I got my charge dropped to a DUI. My punishment was 35 hours community service, expensive fines, and a 7 week drinking and driving course. i was granted a conditinal liscence for 1 year allowing me to drive to school and work and 3 hours on a day a week that i chose. This happend Last november, I get my full liscnece back december 28th BUT this march i was stopped by a police officer and given a ticket for violating my conditional. I pleaded not guilty and they gave me a court date for this august but then post-poned it untill december 26, two days before i get my full liscence back. I know i made a horrible mistake and have been paying for it for the last year but now i am worried please inform me on what is going to happen when i go to court for the violation??? thank you.




  1. Well, it doesn't sound too bad.  You stated your license allowed you 3 hours on a day of your choice each week... wouldn't that day have been the day you got your 3 hours?  But don't argue that point, just be humble (judges like that... I've stood in front of a few).

    I'm assuming they didn't accept the fine for the stop sign because they want to keep the charges together?  Let's remember, the whole reason you were on a conditional in the first place was due to driving while intoxicated.  Which you haven't done again since the first time, right?  I think the reason they rescheduled you for 2 days before your license gets restored is that they are giving you enough rope to hang yourself with.  They want to see if you'll get another violation before then.  Keep your nose clean until your court date and I think you'll be OK.  But any violation between now and then will most likely be the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back".  

  2. As its a second offence and you were caught under conditional, you may lose your licence altogether. Hopefully you do, you have to be a responsible driver.

  3. Violation of the terms of your conditional license will usually result in revoked driving privileges for a long time.  

    You would have to prove that you were driving within the conditions of your license ... good luck with that.  You might want to invest in hiking shoes ... you might be walking for a while.

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