
Violation of no contact order?!

by Guest57619  |  earlier

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My ex signed a conditional (bail of 1k was conditional to abiding to the no contact) no contact order after violating the protective order. I did not know that this no contact order was in place. however we have an infant together and i am in deep need of financial assistance and the attorney general office kept messing up paper work and prolonging child support so i decided to call my ex and plea for help!!

so two weeks after he bailed jail, i called him and he was oblivious to helping me, blaming ME for his domestic abuse/alcohol addiction driven to the protection order. he was persistent in trying to fix "US" rather than concentrate on helping with our son. so i played along like reverse psychology and said things like "ya we can try therapy one day.. " ect ect, just to try and get him to help me. i only lasted 10 days at thtis game and finally gave up, i figured if he hasnt given a dollar now, i'll just have to sue him for child support AND the lawyer that i can NOT afford!

BUT this week i found out about the NO CONTACT order per the DA office, once i told them what happened they suggested i make a police report (i did now) and that on his next hearing he'd probably have a warrant out for arrest and they'd arrest him during his violation hearing on Aug 28th.

The DA said i'm not at fault because even tho i innitiated the contact, he continued to call me and never once said "NO I CAN NOT SPEAK WITH YOU"...

My concern is what is going to happen from here...

Does anyone know or have an idea what might happen?? i am confident that nothing will happen to me (or so i think) because for one, i never got a letter or call from the state about this no contact order and two, the order is against HIM not me...

But anyone in this field.. have you seen something like this? if so, what should i expect?




  1. You can not be held responsible for a no contact order if you are not aware is exists.

    The process server documents the date and time the order is served for this purpose.  

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