
Violation of probation question !?

by  |  earlier

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Okay my boy friend had to go to probation this morning at 8:00 and he did not go ! he has been gone since saturday ! when he gets mad at me he leves and dont come back until he needs a shower or clean clothing ! but last night he texted me saying he truck died and he had no more bars on his phone ! He only has to go to probation once a month and i was wanting to know can they put a warrent out for his arrest right now or does he have to go to court or what i dont want him to go to jail he has a 5 month old daughter and he really did not mean to miss it !




  1. Sounds like he needs Anger Management classes. His excuse will hold no water with his PO. He had better be contacting the PO very quickly. Remember, probation is a "gift" by the court to keep you out of jail.

  2. it's up to the discretion of his probation officer. he needs to contact his probation officer asap. believe me you don't want the courts looking for him.

  3. For any violation of the terms and conditions of his probation your boy friend can be arrested by his probation officer and placed in jail.  The PO must then go to the court and get an order revoking his probation.

    Your boyfriend sounds very immature by his playing this game with the POs.  they have the power to send him to jail for the full term of his conviction.

  4. He needs to call his PO ASAP. The PO can violate him and then it would be up to the courts to issue a warrant. The PO may understand and may chew him out some but unless he totally blows this off he will probably come out un-scaved.

    just have him call his PO ASAP.

  5. The sooner he calls his PO, the better. The PO can put him in jail immediately, and hold him there while he investigates why he missed his appointment.

    They can then schedule a court hearing to have him charged with violating the conditions of his probation, but that is not likely for a first offense. If that does happen, the maximum penalty for violating probation is being placed back in jail for the remainder of his probation.

  6. the courts will be the only ones who could revoke his probation if his p.o. takes the matter to the courts. he could call the po office and reschedule if possible,. if its his first time the officer might could cut him some slack but if its an ongoing problem, buy him some soap on a rope cuz hes going to jail to finish off his sentence!

  7. depends on the officer. If h can PROVE  he didn'tmean to miss it, hemight get off with a warning, but i wouldn't count on it. Im sorry for the situation. Tell him good luck for me!

  8. You seriously need to find a man. Key word is MAN.

    But in response to your question If he contacts them right away and lets her know he had a dead car and no way top get there they will reschedule no problem in most cases. Unless he is constantly messing up and not showing up.

    If this is not something he does a lot she will work with him

    Still think you need a man though this guy is using you with that bull about getting mad and not coming in till he needs a shower.

    Dos he have a drug problem? Sounds like he is using if you ask me. Not that you did

    Also if he is not worried about going to jail why should you be stressing on it?

    He obviously does not care about the baby or you as much as you care about him

    Kick him out next time he pulls that mess You can do bad by yourself

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