
Violence in Schools in South Africa?

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I am still shocked about the violent rampage that have been going on in the schools across South Africa.

What are your opinions about the situations and what do you suggest should be done to protect our children?




  1. I here and read people blaming the music he was listening to and that it was satanic.

    I blame the parents.

    A talking child has no secrets.

    If only parents were to listen and not be so judgemental all the time to teenagers.

    The parents should have spotted this coming or atleast should have see the was something wrong.

    Its a lesson to all parents.

    Be involve and listen to your kids.

  2. It is just so sad, they should not even have weapons at school or at home, but killing another scholar is just heartbreaking - what goes through their minds and what about all the violence on tv - especially in 'cartoons' but nearly every other program promotes violence and s*x as the only solution to any problem, even some of the advertisements, h**l i don't even understand why, how can we expect kids to know different

  3. It is absolutely terrifying but I believe parents are mostly too blame. What I want to know is how he got hold of the swords - did the parents not go into his room and see anything dodgy going on? Throw in some drugs and listen to some bad lyrics and voila! there you have a recipe for disaster. You can only do so much to protect your children - that poor boy that got killed was in the wrong place at the wrong time and his family must be totally devastated. All we can do is try to be good parents, bring them up to our best ability and hope that our children don't get involved in things like that.

  4. I think we live in a sic society. It is so easy to blame music or TV and games for tragedies like this. I believe that the killer should be blamed for his actions and we should not just decide to take the easy way out and blame music or video games. People make people bad. We should take a hard look within ourselves and then decide to point fingers. The Krugersdorp boy is said to be influenced by slipknot. I think that is just stupid. Isnt it possible that the boy was messed up long before he even thought about the murder, long before there was a slipknot or manson to be scapegoats.

    What he did, was messed up and he should suffer his consequences.

    Don't blame music!!!

    Make security better at schools and parent's keep your eyes on your child's behaviour if changes talk to him or her.

  5. I blame it on drugs and the parents. These children are abusing drugs and the music they are listening to is secondary, even though it is typical. I believe the parents carry a large part of the blame. They are simply not around or involve themselves in the lives of their children enough.

    If only we can get a handle on drug abuse...(and I am talking about much heavier drugs than dope) we will have half the problem solved.

  6. The problem is discipline at school with new Souf Efrica  you can't discipline children any more

    For obvious reasons white teachers can't discipline black children and black teachers can't discipline  white children it will always be a race card so no ointment there

    It will be the trent for the future an till they understand that there ways ain't working back to separate development

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