
Violence in media in Europe?

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Hello! I'm doing a report on how violence in media can lead to violent behavior in youth. Could anyone please tell me if there is a lot of violence in the media in European countries (T.V. and movies, since obviously the internet is a worldwide media). The report is on the U.S., but I would like to compare our media to Europe's, as their crime rates are far lower. Any help would be appreciated, especially if you have experienced the media in both places and can compare them.




  1. Though they censor a lot less in Europe (from what I've seen)...they generally have less violence and more sexuality, as far as being explicit goes.

  2. I can only speak from my own experience, but the most violent tv shows and movies seem to be from the U.S. "24" is a very good example (in every season, several people are being tortured in that series etc.).

    There seems to be much more shooting and violent murders shown on U.S. police series than the European ones. And then there are also shows like "C.S.I.", which concentrate on taking apart rotten corpses... :-) "C.S.I."-type shows are pretty much nonexistent in Europe, as far as I can see.

    I have direct experience only of Swedish, German and British police series, but they tend to be not nearly as violent as their U.S. counterparts. U.S. shows concentrate more on action, while European shows concentrate more on solving the crime, Sherlock Holmes style. In the end you can have a short chase, guns pointed at people, maybe some shots fired, but even then it tends to be only a couple of rounds before the criminal is down - and more than often the criminal is "just" wounded, not shot dead. And the criminals also tend to be more or less "ordinary" people squeezed into difficult situations (where criminal action is the only option left for them), than clear-cut sociopaths/psychopaths, as in more than one U.S. series.

    On another note, I have seen some fairly violent FRENCH police/action movies, with people bleeding gallons of blood after being shot...

    What I know, the U.S. news also tend to concentrate more on "human interest" stories with violent murders, kidnappings, car chases and different threats to the general U.S. population, than actually telling you about the latest tax laws approved by the Congress. Also the U.S. news seem to concentrate heavily on domestic (U.S.) news than "world" news (that is, events outside the U.S.). Of course, it might depend on which news source you use, but this is how I experience it. "European" newscasts usually have domestic and world news balanced better, I believe.

  3. culture is diff between usa / erp.  hence violence is notrampant.  gun laws another factor.  there r no gun shops in erp.!  they still value life.  life is not as psychologically unstable as with usa.  psychiatry is not a big thingy in erp.  hence violence is diff and less.  there is less race issues.  blacks r the norm - acceptance and tolerance.  violent crime is very low and in some places non-existent.

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