
Violent dream, what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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a few parts that i can one point, there was an old blue and black car with tinted windows following me while i am on something that seems like a bigger version of a razor scooter...this car turns when i turn and follows me and in my dream i know it is going to try to run me over.

another part of the same dream, i see part of an attck on a woman. i am standing below a cliff and i see that after he has assalted her , he urinates on her.its not possible to see her because the tall grass hides her face and most of her body, he is standing so i can see him.

also i am called in to be a witness at some stage-the rest of t is vague..can anyone make sense of this? i had a very disturbing feeling when i woke up and have felt quite unsettled since then.




  1. time for you to understand that there is a parallel world that manipulates and controls ours.

    find that world ,interact with them ,and just ask them to stop the stupid movies ,what will happen soon after you do the right steps.

    indeed not for everyone just the brave and seeker.

  2. Violent dreams usually reflect on a fear that has lingered with you for some time. Have you seen anything that was scary? Your mind turns that fear into things that your mind or own being prays never happens to you.

    Well, my friend had this dream that he witnessed somebody killing him (Like there was two of them) and then the masked killer comes and stabs him, but he quickly gets a gun and kills the attacker and takes off his mask and sees his own face. Internal Conflict.

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