
Violent dreams in pregnancy?

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I've been having very violent dreams for awhile now, I'm currently about to enter my 2nd trimester of my 4th pregnancy. These dreams are really begining to concern me because the level of violence is scary. I dream that I'm killing people, most recently I was posessed by a demon when I was killing, and there was another awhile back where I was blacking out and killing animals. I've never had a dream where I was the murderer. Any ideas?




  1. Being pregnant what r you craving???? if you are eating like spicy foods b4 sleep or big heavy meals these can increase the possibility of bad dreams. Try writing down what you have dreamt and get a dream analysis book and see if it is in there (none of my dreams have ever been in one but is worth a look) or if it recurrs also try not to eat an hour b4 you go to sleep (if you are like me when pregnant not eating for an hour is quite a hurdle) Im not promising that it will work but surely its worth a try?

    goodluck with dreams and pregnancy!!

  2. the exorcist  

  3. Nightmares during pregnancy are common.  They are related to fluctuations in your hormone levels and concerns / fears you have about your health right now, your baby's welfare and childbirth.  Right before going to bed, try a small bowl of Cherrios with sugar, milk and maybe a banana cut up on it.  That kind of high carb snack immediately before bedtime actually helps to reduce some of the nightmares.  Be sure to mention your nightmares to your healthcare provider.  Best wishes.

  4. Dreams of being 'possessed' while you are pregant should be self-explanatory or self-evident: there is someone else pretty much taking over your body. And because pregnancy does release alot of hormones, its not unnatural for those emotions to find a violent release within your dreams. Such a complete biological turnaround and flood of hormones could turn even the most mild-mannered of person's into a seething, raging lunatic underneath. Completely normal.

    Of course, sometimes what we are afraid of comes out in our dreams as us embodying that feeling. Because you are worried for your baby (and since it is alive, you worry about endangering or harming it in some way) your fear manifests itself as that event happening. Its like knowing a big test is coming up, and you are so afraid of blowing it that you start dreaming that you fail to answer every question, or don't know any answer at all, and everyone stops to point and make fun of you and make you feel like a complete loser. The extreme manifestation of your fear is how your mind copes with the stress of the situation. Actually what your mind is trying to do is caricature it, make your fear come out in a way that is so unnreal that you laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

    Why you dream of being so violent in the abstract is because your conscious mind really hasn't made the connection between your fears and how you are manifesting them. The stronger your fears for your baby, and the more uncomfortable the pregnancy becomes, the more hormonal you will react to your situation. Instead of seeing yourself as being pregnant, you see yourself as being fat and ugly and nobody loves me. Instead of being upset or annoyed, you seethe and rage and want to tear the entire place apart, especially if you think the incident is having an affect on your baby. The maternal instinct to protect your young and yourself is also embodied in your dreams, the need to defend yourself, and kill if need be. Killing animals is a primal response to food: you kill animals in order to survive. Even if your in the 21st century, and know you can go to the local supermarket to get whatever you need, that primal cause/effect of need food, hunt, kill doesn't go away. Also, wild animals, especially in primative time, were also considered a threat to the young (in the animal kingdom, many animals eat the young or newly born, which means the parents have to be extra vigilante.) Being the mother means its your primary biological job to protect your child, and you can't do that if you have a block against causing harm against another. Your dream of blacking out is probably just your mind's way of saying 'your civilized self is being taken over by this primal and ancient self, the mother.'

    It could also be that, since this is your 4th pregnancy, you are experiencing fears or anxiety with this pregnancy that you didn't the other times. If you are having problems with your relationship now that you didn't before, the unresolved conflict could be manifesting as dreams of rage. If you are older, and worried about complications, that could affect how secure you feel. If you feel like this pregnancy was unplanned and/or unexpected, your surprise at being pregnant again could be coming out as unresolved anger and frustration at the situation. Don't forget the hormonal change will magnify whatever you might be feeling underneath, making a mountain out of a molehill, to use a cliche.

    The dreams don't really signify anything to be particularly worried about, unless you find yourself unable to tell the difference between what you experience in your dream and what you experience in real-life: i.e. thinking that you really are possessed by a demon in real-life. There are lots of reasons why people discover aspects of themselves only in certain times or situations that they might never know about. Most of it is just that, situational, and not a true or ongoing indicator of what kind of person they are. If your dreams continue to disturb you, you should talk it over with your doctor because they will be the first one to tell you how normal or not your experiences are (I'm sure you're not the first pregnant woman to have violent dreams.)

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