
Violent dreams.?

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I have dreams I kill ppl and shoot them in the mouth like the godfather did to Fanuchi. I also have dreams where zombies are chasing me waiting outside my house.I also dreamed Gene hackmen was a bad guy in this western town like in the Quick and the dead. I killed 15 ppl including hackmen which I jammed a gun down his ear. He screamed " it hurts" And I said" d**n right it does". I am not a violent person and take control of my dreams but what does this all mean...I dream I am in ww2 and fighting n**i's and enjoy killing them. Is there something wrong with me. I am 31 now and this never happened until i was 25. In my dreams I know how to load and c**k a m-1 carbine and yet I never fired one. I also dreamed there where 4 or 5 dogs waiting for me outside my room and when I woke up I was scared to leave my room for 20 minutes and I am a grown man. I have many other evil violent dreams I wont metion for fear of being called an evil man....anyone else have dreams like this?




  1. Maybe you're not a violent person, but do you like action movies? A lot of your dreams are based on movies you have seen. Maybe you create events in your mind like these (the old western one and knowing how to c**k a m-1 carbine) because you are someone who wishes they could take more initiative and control in your own life. As for the ones where you enjoy killing people, maybe this means you have a lot of pent-up aggression that you wish you could let go. The dreams about things chasing you and waiting for you outside your door could represent somethig you feel you "can't escape" or something you keep putting off, but it always catches up to you in the end, like maybe you're supposed to go back to school, or it ay be as simple as your wife's been nagging you to clean out the garage.

    I'm NO expert though.

  2. I use to have those dreams.

    I do not know you personally, but you probably hold ALOT of stuff in. ( I.E. Emotionals, Opinions, Anger, Thoughts, etc.) and this is your mind producings ways to, somehow, let it go.

    If not..Then I do not know. :-(

  3. Your dreams suggest a mix of frustration with some things in your life and a feeling of excessive demand being imposed by others of some authority.

    Your killing episodes appear to be an exercise of power - a raw-boned super violent escapade whereby you take out frustrations on those who likely 'deserve' it.  Hackman of course looms large as a powerful bad guy - but you trump him as if an Eastwood character - and righteousness is in the air for you in this.  

    Notice the theme?  Killing as if Don Fanuchi in a stairwell - bad guy; killing n***s - more 'bad guys'.

    Loading and cocking an M-1?  Well, you obviously know what one is - and we are capable of the most incredible synthesized visions in dreams.  Dreams pull from the most thready nuances to gin up images like that - things we never knew we knew surface.  If we don't know all the details the inner mind does a wonderful job of filling in the blanks - and it is all quite rational during the dream.

    Notice too the zombies - a bit different, as are those dogs that you actually awaken in fear of at times.  Something does pursue you - but it is blown out of proportion in the dreams, which is likely why you don't really recognize the relevance as yet.

    Think about what goes on in your life - the things about you: job, finances, academics, relationships - are there those who take advantage or push you at times?  Do you comply but feel a bit used at times?  These dreaming themes suggest some of that.  It may not be happening in a big way, but something persistent - maybe just in a pattern of how you deal with others - is priming your subconscious mind for these dreams.  

    Finally the dreams likely come when venting is needed - which is quite healthy.  What is taxing to your psyche however is putting up with trying to please too many others.  Look things over and see if you see such a pattern in your life - if it's there you can deal with it by applying conscious thought to what brings it on.  

    Put yourself first when you can - this may well be the source, but you must discover that in the context of your life as only you know it.

    All the best to you.
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