
Violent hubby, who else has one? Im so sick of it. His brother killed his wife, what if im next!?

by  |  earlier

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Violent hubby, who else has one? Im so sick of it. His brother killed his wife, what if im next!?




  1. Get out and get out now... things can get bad in spur of a sec.. talk to people close to you that you trust to help you out.

  2. Quite simply you need to leave.

    Spend some time looking for a shelter for women in your position.  Get yourself ready and just go.

    I hope noone has answered yes that they have one too! You have every right to be sick of it, his brother killed his wife! Geez! I mean you can't completely judge him by that but what!!! If he is being violent he is showing tendancies and you need out.  You get one go at this life and spending it with a violent little **** is not worth it!

  3. man havnt you hard about that stor where this woman put up with abuse for years and when went out to the shops when she had came back him and her 3 children were dead in a car where the man has got a hose line and put it on the exhuast then had put the hose pipe in the car and locked the doors turned the car on and sit there dad and three little kids dead, well thats a true story so if i was you i would run for the unexpected  

  4. How can you even ASK!!


    Your very LIFE is at risk,

    what are you waiting for,,,, better days???

  5. get out of there go somewhere safe get to a womans shelter you never know that is the scary part

  6. The warning signs are there. You best get out before it's too late. If you have kids or pets, just put them in the car when he's gone and go. Don't even let him know you're leaving. I've been there, and he will try to stop you and you, your kid, your pet, whatever will get hurt if you do let him know.

    Just pack up and go. Go to a hotel out of town and tell the employees that no one is to know where you are. I'd even consider parking the car some where and having a cab/bus take you to the hotel.

    Stay safe!


    I'm so sorry people are being rude to you. Good luck, and please stay safe.

  7. leave

  8. sorry i dont have one but if i did you'd be welcome to him, just leave if its abusive, quit babbling about and do something.

    how many women ask that question, why dont they leave.

  9. dont worry.

  10. Ask God for strength to leave get out while you can. No one has to except abuse

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