
Violent video games???

by Guest66538  |  earlier

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so they were talking about that teenage boy who stabbed his friend to death after playing violent video games!!

i know kids should be monitored while playing on computers but do you honestly think that a normal lad would do such a thing???

my boy has games that we allow here but i bet that he has played worse while at a mates!it is impossible to keep track on them 24/7! you think the lad who stabbed his friend had severe problems in the first place??





  1. I think the boy had issues in the first place. My sons have also played games that their mates have brought over but they just play the games, they are all a great bunch of lads.

    Its sad but that boy already had existing problems.

  2. Video games have an age rating for a reason.

    Take the Manhunt 2 fiasco here in the UK for example.

    The BBFC banned it because of its "Unremiting bleakness and calous tone"

    But the parents had a good deal of involvement too claiming their kids would imitate the violence seen there....


    lol sorry bout that

    Im not a parent, im 19 and im not allowed to play any 15 or 18 game on the downstairs PS2 because my mother doesnt want my 10 and 8 year old sisters seeing the content.

    What we need is competant video game shops who will not sell an 18 game to a 13 year old (we are getting better at it lol)

    When i become a parent, im going to test all the games my kids have and make an informed decision to allow them to play it.

    Parents need to be more active in the movies/video games/music of the youth today (You sound like one of the smart ones) Parents buying an 18+ game for their 13 year old son/daughter and then complaining about the content is pathetic

    To answer your question, yes the lad did have problems...

    I have a full tang (histoically acurate replica) katana, and I love hacking people up with the katana on GTA SanAn, it helps me release pent up anger, but I have never once thought about going on a killing spree down my local high street.

    This will always be a touchy subject.

    Im really sorry if this offended anyone but it is the truth.

    I hope this little rant has helped in someway.


  3. I do not think that it is the videogames themselves that bring the violence, as has been stated in a previous answer, its the mental state, and kids can see the violent acts in the games.  I think that kids with mental issues should not be allowed to play extremely violent games at all, when i say extreme i mean games that glorify violence.  That isnt to say that these games should be discontinued, though.  Think of games as movies, some movies are extremely violent, but are still extremely good, this is also true with video games, but the same effect also happens to people that watch movies, such as that one time when some guy was killing everyone after seeing hanibal lectars work. That was a great film, even though it was violent, as is the same with games, so the problem doesnt lie in the content themselves but more in the person, otherwise we would have to ban violent movies aswell.

  4. the way i see it is the child/ person has issues in the first place if they cant seperate a game from real life

  5. I used to play violent video games and I have never been violent to another person, it depends on the mental state of the person

  6. Yes he obviously is a psychopath anyway so to blame a video game is absurd!

    Normal people don't behave like that!

  7. problems there in the first place, i play violent video games and am a nice kind caring person who has problems getting spiders out the house incase i hurt them, i think it all comes down to knowing what is real from what is not and knowing right from wrong. games of all types can be good but we have to accept that in games it is ok to go around killing people and using magic and stuff like that, but when the game is over we have to return to the real world.

  8. There will always be people who are too fooked in the head to spot the difference between fantasy and reality.  Whether they are encouraged by a playing xbox, watching a film, listening to music, reading comics, or just good old fashioned paranoid delusions.  It doesn't matter what the medium is, if some crazy loony is pre-disposed to chopping up their mates, they are gonna do it anyway.

    Manhunt may be a violent game, it doesn't make up for the fact that it is absolute shite though.  Seriously, if I had to sit and play that god-awful boring c**p for hours on end I'd probably end up slicing a few innocent bystanders too.

    Dave - nice to see you flying the flag for the Daily Mail readers, as per usual.

  9. I think that game was "Manhunt". I have that game and it is very violent. I got to the point where I enjoyed hitting the guy with a baseball bat, making his brains splatter on the wall. Sick I know, and I know that I would never beable to kill in real life but, a young child could.

    Have you seen the film "Blood Diamond"? in that film, there was little kids being trained to kill with machine guns. To them it was just a game. Showed no remorse. And that really did or still does happen in... forgot where now. But, yeah, violent games can corrupt the still growing minds quite easily.

  10. depends on how much he played the game.

  11. lizzie  borden  took  an  axe .

    and  gave  her  father  4o  whacks.

    all without  any  electonic  stimulation whatsoever..

    there  are  violent  kids out there  already and  they  will naturally  be  drawn to  violence  in any  form. Poor  kids  end  up  finding the  violence  in  the  street gangs and  many of them have  no  access  to  the  games  you  mention.  

    maybe  if they  did  they  wouldnt  need to  go  out  and  join  gangs.  perhaps  it  is  an outlet  for the  rage  as much  as  anything.

    I  watched the  coyote try to  kill  the  roadrunner  every  week  all  my  life  and  I would  never  harm  a bird,  let  alone  a person . there  is  a huge  difference  between  cartoon  and  gaming  violence as compared to  actual  violence

    it  is all to  convenient  to  blame  something  else  but  where  were  the  parents  before  the  child  was  even old  enough to  play  the  games.

    you  have at  least 5 years  of  child raising  in which  to  notice that  your  child  exhibits  violent behavior  or  rage innappropriately, before  they  can even  operate a game  controller.

  12. Violence?Listen John you haven't seen violence until you have tried to simultaneously pleasure two lions drugged up on acid.That is violence i have experienced it because i am dangerous da dada daa da da!

  13. I thought they were already rated like cinema classifications.

    Yes i think parents who know their children best have to seriously think about what their children watch/play as classification does not work in todays world of easy access media.

  14. Basically the correct answer is the following.

    Violent video games do not in themselves lead children to commit violent acts, however those children that do have issues with violence will find the problem is exacerbated by playing violent games.

    Hope that clears it up.
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