
Virgin Racing Team had productive “straight-line” test – John Booth

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Virgin Racing Team had productive “straight-line” test – John Booth
According to Virgin Racing Team’s principal, John Booth, the team recently carried out a straight-line test this past weekend in order to refine a new blown exhaust system in its car. John stated that the test was quite productive as it provided the team
with some useful data.
The test was carried out in Spain at the Idiada proving ground with the help of Adrian Quaife-Hobbs, a young British driver, who tested the team’s car in order to provide them with some useful data for improving the MVR-02. As a result, Booth stated that
Adrian’s drive was as rewarding as the results he provided.
“Congratulations to Adrian on a very impressive debut. It really is extremely rewarding to put these young guys in the car and see how they respond to such an opportunity”, said Booth.
He stated that Quaife-Hobbs utilized the car and developed a strong relationship with the team’s engineers and mechanics because of which, this test was very efficient and resulting.
Booth believes that proving ground provided the team with some excellent conditions as a result of which, testing the car’s versatility was tested at its limit and the updated package the team introduced at the last race in Turkey, was put to the test as
“As we might have expected in its debut outing, we experienced a few teething problems in Istanbul and this test has provided us with the opportunity to understand more of the potential of the developments. We're looking forward to seeing further signs of
progress in Spain next week”, he said.
The young British driver enjoyed the experience of working with a Formula 1 team for the first time in his career after which he is now more eager to become a part of the sport as soon as possible.
“Driving a Formula One car is what you always dream of from the moment you start karting”, Quaife-Hobbs said.
Nevertheless, Virgin Racing Team has been unable to secure a single point up until now since its debut in Formula 1 but the team is hoping to improve its performance and hopefully become a competitive team of the sport in the future.  



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