
Virgin Strawberry Dacquri-What do you use instead of alochol?

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I'm having a hawaiian party at the end of the week and the party won't have acholol and I need to know if I buy the strawberry dacquri mix what do I use in place of the acholol?

Strawberry juice?



I want something that will taste good over ice and it just has to please people. Any ideas. Plus, keep in mind I don't have a huge budget. Thanks and please answer soon.




  1. 7-up


    Sparkling Cider/Wine(non-alcohol kind)

  2. Use those cans of Kerns Nectars, they're widely available and pretty cheap (like 59 cents a can....)  



  3. The main thing is to have good flavor. So I would get frozen strawberries, ice cubes and mix it up in the blender until you have a nice smoothie. Garnish with a mango a mint leaf or a dollop of coolwhip or whipped cream. If you want you could make party punch using strawberries as well. Use hawiian punch and scoops of orange sorbet and chop up or ball out melons and put them in the punch.

  4. yaa.

    sprite or 7up!!

    they are really good.

    i have even put orange juice in it.

    it gave it a good flavor!

    yummm yumm yummm!

    you should try to mix non alchoholic pina colodas, and non alcoholilc strawberry daquires..its really good.

    they are called miami vices!

  5. 7-up will work like the others said, but if you want something different that your guests will love try ginger ale.

  6. nothing gets added, just ice and the mix. it will be just fine.

  7. I sued to put a splash of vanilla extract in the daquaris

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