
Virgin in Today's Society?

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Are there any virgins left? All my peers have so much 'experience' (along with bulging bellys and crying infants) and I am content on waiting untill marriage.




  1. I am a virgin and plan on staying one until marriage. I think s*x is something special you share with your one true love. =]

  2. I am a virgin and intend to stay that way untill I am married.  I believe that true love can wait.

  3. I guess it is just a reflection of how much society has changed, even since the last generation.  People don't seem to just be getting more loose with their morals, but also with crime and manners :( there just isn't the social conscience  there used to be, it's such a shame. This isn't only reflected in how people act, but even landmarks around our towns.  In Dunedin where I live, one of our most historic and beautiful buildings, complete with beautiful stone columns has been home to Dunedin's main strip club for the past ten years.  What does this say about our society and the sort of people who live in it.  I would have loved to go back to the late Victorian era, women were courted respectfully and everything just seemed so much more romantic!

    Good on you for waiting, I admire you for staying true to your self, its nice to see some people still have morals.

  4. I don't think there's anything wrong with premarital s*x, although I do commend you for not giving in to what I'm sure is immense peer pressure. You need to stay true to yourself and do what makes you feel comfortable. I am not a virgin, haven't been for quite some time, but I definitely respect your right to wait until marriage. So, please don't let anyone call you naive or a baby or whatever just because you're doing what you feel is right. As long as you are following the path you believe is right for you, you can't go wrong.

    One more thing, though. I have met several people who want to wait until marriage, and then they marry the first thing they see because they are so crazed to have have s*x. They're not marrying for love; they're marrying because they're desperate for some ***. Sexuality is very strong. It can lead you in wrong directions if you let it. What I'm saying is don't fall into the trap some of my friends have fallen into. Don't let s*x become part of the equation when choosing a partner. Yes, sexual attraction is very important for a lasting relationship, but don't let that blind you. Make sure all the other requirements are there first: he treats you respectfully, he supports your goals, he makes you laugh, he brings a new dimension to your life that opens up a world of possibilities.

    But, I'm willing to bet from your post that you're smart enough to already know that :)

    Also, I don't know if you're religious or not, but church or synagogue youth groups are a good place to meet like-minded people.

    Go on with your bad self, girl. You keep being you. As long as you do that, things will ultimately turn out for the best.

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