
Virgin modem?

by  |  earlier

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If i have several connections around the house for tv/broadband etc, is it possible to have two modems working at the same time ( one upstairs, one downstairs ) with two computers,INSTEAD of using a router.Many thanks.




  1. by serveral connections, if you mean several internal wiring outlets and one main vigin media cable coming in your home, then it is not possible to have two modems. One modem for one VM cable coming in your home.

    However, you can have two modems by subscribing to two VM connections and getting two cables in your home ... one going upstairs and other resting downstairs both connected to two modems individually.



  2. No you can only have to individual Virgin modems if you have two individual connections.

    But to be honest I don't see this as a problem.

    If you connect a wireless router to your cable modem and have it situated close to the inlet you can have it setup without any cable, whether Ethernet or otherwise running around the house :D

  3. no unfortunately. The modems on your cable companies end only permits one modem per broadband connection... they would make you buy a second internet connection

  4. It is possible but only where the house is classed as two seperate dwellings. I.e. One connection for yourself and one for a second tennant. Virginmedia dont like doing this and you may have to twist a few arms and legs (and explain to people with language barriers). It is possible tho, you just have to mess around with two seperate bills and virgin media accounts.

  5. No you can't. You will have to have a wireless connection from Virgins modem.
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