
Virgin summer drinks?

by  |  earlier

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im throwing a pool party and i thought it would be cool if we had alcoholic drinks minus the alcohol..(we're 15) i was wondering if anybody had a recipe for any stuff like that.

i dont like the flavor orange.

i do like strawberry and banana and apple..

and willing to try exotic flavors




  1. you know whats really good?

    buy a few cans of peaches in either heavy syrup or lite syrup,

    put 1 can in the blender with 2 cups of ice, 1/4 cup of OJ, or cranberry juice or pineapple juice and blend together,

    its soooo good!!!!

    we make peach daquiris with the canned peaches......

  2. i love strawberry and bannana daquieries. Their so good! Find a recipe for them and just dont' use alchohol. its good that your staying away from alchohol. For extra flavor, use mangos

  3. virgin daiquiris are good.

    pina coladas are yummy :)

    heres a bunch of nonalcoholic stuff you can try.

  4. try a virgin margarita, some virgin daiquiris... go to a bar and look at some of the drinks and figure out how to make them without the alcohol.
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