
Virginia tech massacre journal?

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i've read that the seprate atackts were 2 hr apart wut do u think cho wus thinking bettween that and i'm listening 2 the tribute song now and it says"90% of the shots were at close range how can he do this as he is shotting getting the blood of the victums on him not caring not stopping but going on how i really mean how wut went through his head y did he do it really

i am deply sorry for all the people this hurt deplly depply sorry




  1. Judging by the statements he made on tape, his relationship (or lack of it) with other people, his writings that have been released, I am pretty convinced he was grossly psychotic, paranoid schizophrenic to be specific.  I should state clearly though, that the vast majority of paranoid schizophrenics are not like him.

    His thought processes were badly disorganized.  He was convinced that Everybody was deliberately working to make him miserable; he said on the tape something to the effect that "you," addressed to the entire TV audience, could have prevented this, but preferred to make him miserable.  This is a delusion of persecution, a symptom of paranoia, and the most extreme I have heard.  He also said that he was dying "like Christ," and that he "did it" for his "children," [he had no children] and basically for others who suffered.  He imagined, clearly, that the massive murder and suicide had some kind of redemptive value, as if he were the savior.  This is a delusion of grandeur, also a symptom of paranoia.  He thought he had some kind of divine importance.  

    He spent part of the 2 hours mailing the packet to the TV station.  I imagine that his mind was largely full of the kinds of thoughts that caused him to commit this act; that everybody wanted to make him suffer, and that by his suffering and shedding the blood of others, some kind of benefit would be conferred upon the suffering, and punishment upon the evil ones.  

    People with paranoia sometimes do keep their delusions secret, because they don't trust anybody; this was clearly the case with Seung.  This is why, though a lot of people knew he had mental problems, they did not guess the depth or destructiveness of them.  

    I am convinced, too, that his mental illness was caused by a serious brain dysfunction, in no way related to the way anybody had treated him in the past.  Some people thought that others had really mistreated him; but even if they had, it would not have caused this kind of thought disorder.  Nobody did this to him; it was an illness that neither he nor any other human being was responsible for.  It was a terrible tragedy.

    Not all mass murderers are psychotic, I'm not saying that.  Most of them are not.  But I'm convinced that Seung was.

    And again I emphasize, this kind of behavior is at least as rare among psychotic people as it is among sane people.  

  2. What went through his head (other than that bullet), we will never know.

  3. He was obviously a deranged lunatic and there's no way of knowing what was going through his head.  He was very angry and probably really pumped on adrenalin and was one sick dude.  

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