
Virginity and its relationship with myths/folklore

by Guest62097  |  earlier

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like i've heard that only virgins can tame/capture unicorns- do you know of similar mythical situations where virginity is useful?




  1. If you want to be sacrificed to some wrathful god or demon then being a virgin helps. ( :

  2. First off, let's define 'virgin' here.  In ancient, i.e. pre-Christian, times virgin was defined as any woman who had control over her own body - not just someone who had never had s*x.  In the case of the unicorn, the legend of the virgin was associated with the idea of innocence.  The Unicorn in the Middle Ages was seen as a symbol of Christ, therefore, only the pure and innocent could come near.

    Several ancient civilizations had virgin goddesses.  However, these goddesses were very powerful and certainly didn't need any heroes to help them.

    Many priestesses where virgin until a certain point in their training, it is was believed that the act of s*x would make them lose some of their powers, even though it helped them to gain others.

    The Great Goddess was thought to have three incarnations, the Maiden or Virgin, the Mother, and the Wise One or Crone.  The Maiden represented youth, spring, clarity, enthusiasm, etc.  She was also the most powerful magically since she had not mixed her essence with her mate.  The Mother was the creatress, the giver of life; the Crone was She who was present in old age, wisdom, the end of life.

  3. Hmm, yes, I've heard that. In "The Once and Future King".

    I do believe that virgins get rescued more often by hot guys (aka "heroes"). Lol. And they are spared more often from a god's wrath.

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