
Virgo and Capricorn...?

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Anyone ever had a Virgo or Capricorn for a friend, spouse, or parent? What did or do you like most AND least about them?




  1. My spouse is a Capricorn and so am I. Our relationship is mostly composed yet disciplined. If we have any kind of disparity, we sit down and discuss it in it's entirety until everything is resolved and neither is left with hurt feelings. Everything in our lives must be worked on until the job is done. What I like about my spouse the most is his dedication to his work. He is very determined to do the utmost job possible. I also appreciate the fact that he is so loyal. Capricorns are the most loyal signs in the zodiac. What I like least about him is his bluntness towards me when expressing his opinions. He comes across as colder than Artic ice. His worst trait is explaining everything to me in precise detail, even if I am not the least bit interested. It's annoying!

    Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

    Capricorn Strengths:






    Capricorn Weaknesses:






    Capricorns have this sense of melancholy and necessity for structure and work because inside they feel they are unworthy and need to continuously prove their worth. Once they realize that all they need is self-love, door will open and they will see the world in a new light, one that allows for pleasure and guilt-free fun. Capricorns most important need is security, financial and material security. This is the driving force behind their ambitious character and all other personality traits of desire to succeed. They are very concerned with their public standing and their prestige. Capricorns are loners but they also need to feel appreciated, but they are excellent at hiding this truth. Capricorns are very self contained and they have many faces they present to the world, they are known as aloof and indifferent but this is them concealing themselves from the world, unfortunately, they may never know who they really are. This causes feelings of insecurity and causes them to question their own self worth. Capricorns make it difficult to get close emotionally because once they let someone in, they do not want to let them go and emotional connection makes them feel vulnerable yet satisfied at he same time. This is an ongoing internal conflict of contradictions inside the Capricorn's mind.

  2. I'm a Virgo dating a Capricorn.  What I love the most about him is he is very funny, loads of fun, very laid back and very loving.  What irritates me the most about him is his insecurity and he can be downright rigid at times.  I don't like that I think too much.  I would just like to go with the flow and not have a plan B, C and sometimes D, but hey, that's the Virgo in me.  My sister is a Virgo and she drives me crazy at times.  She is borderline on hypochondria as well as she has many obsessive/compulsive behaviors.  I love that she is giving and very kind to others, but I don't like that she is a passivist and lets people walk over her and she doesn't stick up for herself when she needs too.  But all in all, I think both signs are wonderful, but like everybody, we are only human so we all have our flaws.  

  3. My sister is a Virgo ( My opposite sign by the way which means our relationship is difficult) What i like most about her is her loyalty to me, as in, she never talks behind my back or takes others side; she protects me in a way, which is something i think she gets from our Cancer mother, Cancers are very protective. Any way, what i hate most about her is her temper, sometimes she can yell at you for anything, which Virgos can be temperamental at times. The greatest strength of the Virgo is their attention to detail but they can be too judgmental at times.

  4. I've been involved with a Virgo before for a bit. I'm a Capricorn. I was annoyed by him because he was extremely depressing and very stubborn. Plus, he was a liar.  

  5. My best friend is a Virgo! I love her because she is just so EASY FOR ME TO GET ALONG WITH. However, I don't like the fact that she can be overly critical sometimes. :/

  6. I have a Capricorn friend. He's really caring, and funny, and he gives the best advice. Sometimes, he can be really insecure, and I constantly have to tell him how great of a person he is, but other than that, he's always looking out for me

    I myself am a Virgo, but I've also known a few Virgos. They're very genuinely nice people. They don't hesitate to listen to your problems, and they'll always take time out of their day just to help you with a problem. They've always been there for me, through thick and thin. They're very loyal, as some others said. I can't ever imagine my Virgo friend back-stabbing me, when she knows it would hurt me. But sometimes, they can criticize a little too much. But hey! I do it too!

  7. My husband is a Capricorn. What I love most about him is his generosity, sensitivity, and sense of humor. What I like least about him is his inability to relax at times.  It can take some coaxing to get him to realize that life is way too short to sweat the small stuff and he needs to relax and have a little more fun.  

    One of my best friends is a Virgo. What I love most about her is the fact that she is never too busy to lend an ear when I have a situation that needs attention. She will analyze the problem for hours, even days, making it her own, and she selflessly won't rest until she and I have come to a conclusion.  What I like least about her is her stubborn streak and her "I told you so" attitude that comes out at times.  All in all, both Cappy and Virgo are fantastic folks!

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