
Virgo bf shut down completely and blaming me for everything bad?

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my bf whos a virgo always change his mind about me, he will blame me for everything and shut me down, where itll be impossible to talk to him, until he realise how stupid he was and will start talking to me again, we will be in love, everything will be fine, then, 1 tiny thing will happen and he will shut me down again. i told him that i understand why hes doing it, and that i know why hes testing me and im ready to wait and prove him that i really love him, but he didnt answer. even if he asked to see me tonight, im here and im waiting, hes reading my mails but doesnt say anything. whats going on in his mind right now?




  1. the zodiac has nothing to do with anything, stop being a fool.

  2. First off, I wouldn't talk to his friend. Too risky. He might now even tell his friends anything. Guys don't tend to talk emotional. Also, you don't want your boyfriend thinking that you like his friend. That would be a mess.

    Secondly, I am a Virgo and my husband is a Capricorn so I know what you mean. Sometimes Virgos can't admit that something went wrong. And it's in our nature to criticize. Sometimes I personally don't even realize that I'm doing it until it has already hurt someone. My advice would be just have patience and keep the faith, he will come around. I know you feel hurt that he will not open up to you. But he will when the time is right for him. Good Luck!

  3. A black mood. Virgos like to rationalize and right now he cannot explain anything to you  ---- or himself ----- for that matter, because his communication lines are jammed up by emotions that he is not feeling comfortable with. if you knew him well you could ask questions to draw him out and help him see through to the depths of his problem. but until that time, all you can do is wait, and graciously accept his apology for being rude, which will be forthcoming when he is able to be sensible again.

  4. Virgos are depressing and stubborn. They will completely shut you down and not want to talk to you when they are mad at you or something bothers them. Once they cool down and things are back to normal, he will start talking to you again.

    Honestly, if you don't have patience with emotional people, then this guy isn't the right guy for you.

  5. Just break up with him.   Why even give a jerk like that the time of day?  My advice is respect yourself first and don't throw away your life on a Virgo.  Blah!

  6. Awww!!  He cares!

    I'm not joking.  Virgos, when they love someone, automatically go against their hearts and start using their heads too much and act the opposite way of what they're feeling.  And then they convince themselves (via logic) that you're the right person.  And then they doubt themselves and nit-pick over EVERYTHING  that's wrong with you and the relationship.  

    But the good thing is that we only nit-pick over people we care about.  The fact that he's flipping back and forth is a good sign.  If we don't like someone we just go over their negative aspects over and over until we think ourselves above them or them unworthy of us.  He IS NOT doing that if he keeps coming back.

    We virgos don't trust ourselves most of the time. We don't want to think with our hearts because we feel they will lead us astray.  The reason we can act so strangely is that we want everything to be perfect, and don't want to be let down, so we kill a good thing before we become overly invested.

    Make yourself unavailable.  Don't be mean about it, but give him his space and he will come around.  Once he sees (and feels) what he's missing he'll be back, but make yourself scarce until he's ready.

    EDIT:  I understand that he's being irritable, but keep letting him be, he won't like it, but that's the point.  Tell him he's too negative to be around right now and that you'll gladly spend time with him when he decides to be positive.  If he continues to p**s and moan, just let him.  I garuantee he will get over himself when he realizes that it's his behavior and not yours that's causing the problems. But until that happens just keep telling him that it's his choice, and leave it at that, and be PERSISTENT, virgos don't like tough love, but I promise amazing results.

  7. Eh. My boyfriend is a Virgo too and trust me, the things he sometimes say makes me want to slap him. But I shouldn't because I've learned alot about Virgos these days, and your boyfriend is being a boy. Not a virgo, but a boy. Perhaps he is afraid of his feelings or how you think of him, so he thinks, "Well, I'll reject you first before you even THINK about rejecting me!" and shut you off from their worlds.

    Virgos are stereotyped to be perfectionist, and once they feel that they are not "perfect" or "right", they get scatterbrained and shut everyone out emotionally. But don't be alarmed- He'll come around. Right now, just let him be- Virgos are known to love their partners but value their own space. :)

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