
Virgo males...........?

by Guest56478  |  earlier

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btw im on my cousins account............ i heard virgo males stay mad at a person for a while, by that i mean a good 3 months.... i saw my virgo ex today he called my name and waved...i didnt smile , but i waved back

Have not seen him or talked to him in a yr after we had a fight maybe he forgot? anyway is it true that they stay mad at a person for months before they start talking to them again?




  1. Hi really good

    Virgos are not revengeful and we don't stay mad that long. Maybe, it can last a couple of years but not more than that.

    We an still talk to our enemy and that is because we hold our guards and oyu never know what we have holding in our hand behind our back.

    Ok.... I exaggerated somewhat.

  2. Virgos don't forget. They are very critical, but sensitive people. He would remember every jab you took at him. The good thing is that, in my experience, Virgo men can be forgiving. You just have to give them time. And a heartfelt apology would help.

    Just so you know, Virgo males have a tendency to hide their true feelings. You may think everything is fine between the two of you, but that doesn't mean it is. But they do like to talk and work through their problems.

  3. yeah, lol, sorry, but we will croak before we forget, the smallest things,, well at least i will, but it takes alot for it to get to that point,....... i'm just speakin on my behalf,

  4. behaviour of virgos is like a chameleon, ever changing

  5. depends on why they are mad.

    The ones' I know can hold a grudge, but they can't ever let anyone go completely.

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