
Virgo sun scorpio rising sagittarius moon?

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so I have

virgo sun

scorpio rising

and sagittarius moon

i was wondering what do these mean when they're put together




  1.  I have the same basically from what I've read and my own experience you probably moved a lot when young or maybe your mom was a person who wanted you to be knowledgeable in arts or have appreciation for other ethnicities but she was never really grounded was aloof or she wasnt really there maybe she traveled a lot but you probably learned from her maybe not to be like her but appreciate what you did learn that's my life with sag moon  your earth virgo  Sun and Sagittarius moon  conflict because for you you want stability but your sag says I need freedom so finding the balance is hard  every once in a while I feel the need to just go somewhere away . And just be me and free but earth says hey we got responsibility here we have to keep  everything in order and stable which is good for us because depending on the other planets  and they're aspect  we could have to much fun or be really wasteful  scorpio ascendant well life's lessons we are here to learn a lot the hard way death an  rebirth but it's not all bad we are beautiful  people with mystery because  we have went through a lot  probably abuse many forms likely yes for me  because of this we can help people  in our own way we are able to read people trust this it's almost always 1st impression is most accurate if you haven't 2nd guessed yourself yet you will and you'll find out you were right the first Time 

  2. I'm Scorpio Sun Sag Moon Virgo rising!

  3. heyyy :) virgo sun, scorpio rising, leo moon here:D

    for a more accurate answer to your question, here's a website, try it :)

    they'll ask you for your birthdate, time and place and they give you your birth chart (includes your moon, rising, and all the planets in which house)
    for an explanation of the chart, go back to free horoscopes home and go under personal portraits :) its free too!

    i find it very enlightening to learn why i  act like i do. (yes i am one of them who are almost 100% true to their zodiac)

    hope it helps!
    peace out

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